Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Major Slacking in the Skate Department

sorry about the lack of posts, I've been super busy. But here is my first ever youtube video posted over 4 years ago. A time of sunshine and care free skateboarding... the good old days. Oh yeah and I actually could do tre flips then.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Nice Sunday in the City

Harold hardflip
Tommy - warm up hardflip out front, while dave's caught in the crosshairs

dave in blab produce
pitstop at the market

more from the view
taking in the view, not many clear days to be had in the summer

turtle knees
padding up with...

turtle pad

wall ride 2
Harold - board bonk to wall ride

Harold - crispy bs flip (photo by Fred)

Harold - wall ride (photo by Fred)

create avatar
Harold - bs flip

create avatar
Harold - drop in (to cardboard slam)

(sequences by Fred)

and now some video clips shot by Fred and myself...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

RIP Granite Block

Doing some cleaning and organizing on the old hard drives, so some clips will be coming through on the blog.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Unseen Oldies

So I went through all these tapes again searching for Eddo footage. If anyone else has Eddo footage or photos, be it skating, martial arts, motorcycling, or anything contact me at justshredit@sbcglobal.net. I'm also looking to interview Eddo's friends for the next BG video dedication intro. Until then enjoy this other footage I put together from the So Fresh and So Clean days.

Unseen So Fresh Footage from Christopher Loukides on Vimeo.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Benicia Session

It's been far to long since a post so Nick and I escaped the freezing SF weather to experience actual favorable summer temperatures that are off the peninsula. Met up with Mullet, Jon, Andy, and Nick and skated some ill spots, and we're hoping to go back again for more.

andy rollin up
Andy destroyed it, getting photos and footy

andy kickflip

andy heel flip

andy jammin
Andy like his lunch to go

mullet rollin up
Mullet rides up focused to...

mullet ollie2

mullet bs grab
...blast maneuvers like this ollie and bs grab

jon nollie shove
nollie pop shove stomped

nick and mullet
getting footy logged

nick front tail
front tail

jon spinin circle
givin Rodney Mullen a run for his money with procession free style spins

jons muff

Sunday, May 23, 2010

V-Town's "Maybe Later" Premier and Contest

If you didn't make it to the premier last night you missed out on some amazing skateboarding.
good turn out


Tino MC


fakie Fs flip


the trek

on stage

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Afternoon in the Castro

Skated a ledge at some library right by the Castro Theater and then hit up the ramps at Everett Middle School.

Nick FS nosegrind
Nick - FS nose grind

Zach FS noseslide2
Zack - FS nose slide

local ollie
local student - ollie

Zack BS 180
Zack - BS 180

Zack Ollienorth
Zack - ollie north

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pacific Heights Afternoon

Nick trippin over the Mitchell Mansion

Zack Stow - Indy the bump

word is this thing comes to life when the wife comes home

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

cinco de mayo 2010 at the napa skatepark

Davin - Ollie

Saturday at Richmond Skate Plaza

hay is all the rage in the latest vegetarian cooking

Jon - BS Lip

Zach - pop shuvit

Jon - Hard flip

Jon - Big flip

Tino - getting the real business done

Rise and Shine from Christopher Loukides on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Here is the first film assignment from my CINE 525 class I took this semester.

Washed Up from Christopher Loukides on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

St. Helena, mostly cloudy with a chance of David Cole

The shuffl Crew has been making it happen at the St. Helena park and the Napa Valley area for the last few weeks. Caught up with David Cole at the park and snapped a few photos. Go to http://theshufflvideo.blogspot.com/ for info and updates on the shuffl video, and watch the trailer here http://vimeo.com/10278952. I can't wait to see it myself, its ganna be bangin.

david cole fs ollie

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day in Davis and Sac

Mullet - fs 5 0 (Davis park)

Dave - ollie north (over the Davis snake run)

Mullet - bs ollie (new Omar ramp at the B street park)
Mullet - BS Ollie (sac)